Configuration endpoints

Use class ConfigEndpoint to config your endpoints.


from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from simple_api.endpoint import ConstructEndpoint, Endpoint

Base = declarative_base(metaclass=ConstructEndpoint)

class CustomUser(Base, Endpoint):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    surname = Column(String)
    age = Column(Integer)

    class ConfigEndpoint:
        denied_methods = ['put', 'get']
        path = '/new_custom_path'

In example above we use parameters:

  • denied_methods - for deny methods put and get.

  • path - for castomuze the path to access your endpoint. It means that your endpoint is available by

Default configuration

The default configuration is in code below.

class ConfigEndpoint:
    pagination = 100
    denied_methods = []
    path = None
    exclude_fields = []


For customize your endpoint you can use a few parameters:

  • pagination - This parameter config how many items from DB will show in one page. You can use the url parameter ?page= for retrieving a certain page. Also to denying access to the list endpoint (<table_name>) you need set pagination = 0.

  • denied_methods - This parameter config which methods are denied.

  • path - This parameter customize url path to your endpoint. By default, path is equal /<table_name> for retrieving list items and creating the new item, /<table_name>/{id} for get, update, delete the item with id=1.

  • exclude_fields - This parameter config which fields of table doesn’t return in the response. By default, all fields of the table will return in every response.